KCSA Information System - FACTS

Here you can find the log-in for our FACTS student information system. If you are a new student, or a parent of a new student, make sure that you create a new family portal account to get important information for the student’s time spent at Kalamazoo Christian Schools. And, when logging in, make sure that you use the appropriate log-in for either parents/students or teachers.

FACTS Log-In (Parents/Students)

FACTS Log-In (Teachers)

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    Accepting Applications

    Our school welcome all families who support the mission and purpose of Kalamazoo Christian School. In addition, we are committed to making the enrollment process for our schools as easy and worry-free as possible.

    Kalamazoo Christian Schools are accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.

    High School and Association Office

    Elementary-Middle School

    Accepting Applications Now

    Our school welcomes all families who support the mission and purpose of Kalamazoo Christian School. In addition, we are committed to making the enrollment process for our schools as easy and worry-free as possible.

    The enrollment applications for the 2025-2026 school is open now!