
Middle School

Middle School Curriculum

Middle School Resources

Middle School Staff

Kalamazoo Christian Middle School prepares students to serve God by offering them a place to develop. Our dedicated staff use new and exciting academic challenges to help our middle schools adapt to the next stage of their educational journey.

Our Middle School is located in the back wing of our 12th St. Campus. It consists of the fifth and sixth grade hallway, the seventh and eighth grade hallway, a gym, a common space, and access to all outdoor facilities at 12th St. KCMS currently enrolls 338 students in grades 5-8. 

Students will graduate from KCMS challenged to reach their highest potential, inspired to use their talents to love and serve God and their world, and equipped to face the next steps that high school has to offer.

Our Middle School Goals:

  • Develop disciples of Christ who develop their faith, begin to apply their faith to their lives, and become lifelong leaders and workers in service to God and their neighbors.
  • Develop quality achievers who take responsibility for their own learning, set goals, take academic risks, and are committed learners.
  • Nurture independent thinkers who can analyze and evaluate situations in order to apply Christian discernment and make appropriate decisions as stewards of God’s world.
  • Encourage cooperative learners who have the ability to use interpersonal skills and effectively share in the responsibilities needed to meet common goals.
  • Develop effective communicators who are able both to articulate and to receive ideas in a variety of ways and in various environments.

Our Programs

Introducing changing classes, students are able to interact with new classmates and be educated by a series of teacher who specify in certain subjects.

Spanish Immersion Track

In middle school, students transition into a secondary continuing immersion experience that allows them to further their Spanish vocabulary while still changing classes and interacting with their English Track classmates. 


KCMS introduces intramurals as part of the curriculum. Students get to be a part of a team, stay active during recess time, and develop basic skills in sports. Some of the previous intramurals offered have been soccer, flag football, volleyball, basketball, floor hockey, wiffle ball, and softball.

Events and Other Offerings

Throughout middle school, students will have the opportunity to participate in events such as Medieval Festival, Engineering Day at Michigan Adventure, and the eighth grade field trip. 


Our STEM program continues into middle school with the introduction of “Genius Hour,” during which students try to solve real-life problems to present at WMU’s Innovation Day.

Technology classes, including Coding and Drones, are taught to our middle school students to encourage proper usage.

Fifth graders end their year with Science Camp, a three-day experience focused on outdoor education and spiritual growth.


Visual and performing arts also continue at KCMS. All fifth and sixth graders learn to play a band instrument which they may continue into high school.

All middle schoolers have the option to participate in the State Choir Competition.

Students can engage in 2D or 3D art courses throughout their time at KCMS.

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